Cairns Rotary Duck Race, Saturday 23 September 2017

The Cairns Rotary Duck Race is to be held at the Cairns Esplanade Lagoon at 3:00pm on Saturday 23 September 2017.  The 4CA/Star FM Corporate Duck Race will be run at 2pm at the Esplanade Lagoon on the same day. The Duck Races are to be held in association with a Cairns Rotary Family Fun Day supported by all  Cairns Rotary Clubs, in the vicinity of the Esplanade Lagoon, offering a range of activities for the Cairns Community. Tickets for  the Rotary Duck Race ($5 per duck) now available for purchase online at Cairns Tickets cairns-book-now-horizontal[1]   as advertised on 4CA/Star FM.  Tickets for the  Rotary Duck Race will also be available for purchase from Cairns Mulgrave Rotarians wearing distinctive "Rotary Duck" shirts at local community events prior to the race, and at the Cairns Esplanade Lagoon on the day of the race. Around $10,000 worth of prizes are available to be won. Businesses and individuals can sponsor ducks in the 4CA/Star FM Corporate Duck Race for $100 (+ GST) per corporate duck, through the Dr Edward Koch Foundation, 07 4053 6757.  The winner will receive a $2,000 advertising package with 4CA or Star FM.

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Rotary Annual Theme

Each year on 1st July, with the change of the Rotary International President, the Rotary International Theme changes. The current theme is displayed here. Further information on the past Presidents and Themes click here.